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BU010072- Bullseye 2MM Black Opal Stringers 90 COE



Size: Approx. 2mm x 17.5"

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Stringer: Beadmakers - good for dot work; Fusers - good for bolder lines.
C.O.E.: 90.
Density: Opal (non-transparent).
Color: Black.
Diameter: 2MM (approx.).
Length: 17-1/2" (approx.).
Package: 55 - 60 stringers per clear plastic tube.

Color Black
Glass Opacity+ Opal
Coefficient Bullseye Compatible
Thickness 2mm

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BU010072- Bullseye 2MM Black Opal Stringers 90 COE

Size: Approx. 2mm x 17.5"

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